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Supplemental Draft Results 2010

Page history last edited by Brian Kealoha 14 years, 7 months ago
1. Virginia - Hunter Pence
Protection - Maryland, None
2. NCSU - Kevin Youklis
Protection - GT, Jayson Werth
3. FSU - Dan Haren

4.  Virginia Tech - Brian Roberts

Protection - MIA, Nelson Cruz

5. North Carolina - Clayton Kershaw

Protection - GT, Brian McCann

6. Boston College - Adam Wainwright

Protection - NONE

7. Maryland - Cliff Lee

Protection - Miami, Nick Markakis

8. Duke - Ben Zobrist

9. Miami - Shin-Soo Choo
Protection - GT, out of protection

10. Georgia Tech - Yovani Gallardo

11. Virginia - BJ Upton
12. NCSU - Carlos Pena
13. FSU - Ubaldo Jimenez
Protection - BC, Jonathan Broxton

14.  Virginia Tech - Josh Beckett

15. North Carolina - Bobby Abreu

16. Boston College - Billy Butler 

17. Maryland - Chad Billingsly     

18. Duke - Aramis Ramirez

19. Miami - Nick Markakis via Protection, Pick #7 overall

20. Georgia Tech - Brian McCann via Protection, Pick #5 overall

21. Virginia - Jonathan Pappelbon
22. NCSU - Torri Hunter
23. FSU  - Derek Lee

24. Virginia Tech - Javier Vazquez

25. North Carolina - Dan Uggla

26. Boston College - Jonathan Broxton via Protection, Pick #13 overall

27. Maryland - Mariano Rivera

28. Duke - Ricky Nolasco
29. Miami - Nelson Cruz via Protection, Pick #4 overall
30. Georgia Tech - Jayson Werth via Protection, Pick #2 overall

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